Harmony Hasbrook Harmony Hasbrook

Reinventing Yourself. The Rejoy Backstory.

One year ago, I was hugging my fellow Amazonians wishing them farewell. At the time, my plan was to take a year off to write screenplays. Today, I am the founder of Rejoy; a sustainability brand focused on helping people optimize their lives. How did I get here?

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Harmony Hasbrook Harmony Hasbrook

The Danger of Org Porn: 2020 Edition

Seven years ago I was on a blogging streak and wrote a post that, some might say, is antithetical to my current profession; The Dangers of Org Porn. It’s about the toxic, all-consuming obsession of looking at pictures of beautifully organized spaces. Thirteen years later, now a professional organizer, I still stand behind my words.

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Harmony Hasbrook Harmony Hasbrook

Selling vs. Gifting.

Getting rid of unwanted stuff is the biggest challenge of trying to stay clutter-free. There are whole list of issues that make it hard. The one I want to address today is the I-was-going-to-sell-that pile.

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